You Can Pray To The Gosvamis!
I've only just got around to reading the latest KK Bindu #140 and what do I find? A nice pada by Sri Narottam das Thakura with the following interesting couple of verses:
jaya rūpa sanātana bhaṭṭa raghunātha
śrī-jīva gopāla bhaṭṭa dāsa raghunātha
Glory to Rupa Gosvami, Sanatana Gosvami,
Raghunatha Bhatta Gosvami, Jiva Gosvami,
Gopala Bhatta Gosvami, and Raghunatha dasa Gosvami!
ei chaya gosāñīra karama caraṇa vandana
yāhā haite vighna-nāśa abhīṣṭa pūraṇa
Please bow down before the feet of
these Six Gosvamis and offer them
prayers. They will destroy all your
obstacles and fulfill your desires!
At 21 November, 2006 08:03,
Anonymous said…
Radhe Radhe
What is KK?
Srila Krishnadas Kaviraj?
At 22 November, 2006 02:32,
"Gaurasundara das" said…
No it is the Krishna Kathamrita Bindu e-magazine that is sent out to subscribers every Ekadashi. See GopalJiu.Org.
At 28 November, 2006 20:09,
advaitadas said…
Something complete off topic here, Gaura - I fail to make line spaces between the lines of paragraphs on my weblog. My latest blog was so huge that paragraphs need a void line in between. How does it work?
At 30 November, 2006 12:49,
"Gaurasundara das" said…
As we have both converted to the new beta version of Blogger, I cannot tell whether this is a bug that needs to be ironed out but I am having no problems.
I strongly suspect that this is an issue with IE, because whenever I used to create/edit posts with IE the same thing used to happen to me. This does not happen with Netscape or Firefox so it looks to be a browser issue.
On the other hand, IE has recently come out with a new version (v.7), have you upgraded to it? There might be a fix in that new version.
At 30 November, 2006 16:00,
advaitadas said…
Browsers browsers. Other than IE no browser supports my internet banking and devanagari/bengali fonts!! No I dont think I have upgraded to IE 7.0 and I wonder what will go wrong if I do. Gotta link?
At 03 December, 2006 23:32,
"Gaurasundara das" said…
I'm not sure but I think this link offers a clean download instead of the upgrade you'r elooking for.
I understand that IE is supposed to update automatically. Click on the 'Help' menu in IE and click on 'Windows Update', that should set you up for automatic upgrading and possibly other downloads too.
At 03 December, 2006 23:35,
"Gaurasundara das" said…
Yes, according to these results, IE 7 will be offered via Automatic Updates. If you have not enabled Automatic Updates then don't worry, simply clicking on 'Help' and then 'Update Windows' will set the whole thing in motion.
Please bear in mind that I am advising "blind" here, I haven't used IE in months! I am just giving advice from memory. :/
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